In preparation for their Christian walk, and life beyond middle school, eighth grade students benefit from the two-fold approach in religion class of Apologetic discussions and strategies, as well as in-depth study of New Testament books for immediate life application. Furthermore, memorization of the Six Chief Parts of Luther's Small Catechism and Scripture verses solidifies the Christian belief. Literature deeply engages students in thorough analysis of non-fiction and fiction materials through both verbal and written discussion. Refinement of the parts of speech in a traditional manner are utilized and applied in English class, which result in a research paper and additional papers of length. Math students continue their studies with either algebra or geometry. Science students continue to study Life science, where we emphasize the argument of creation and evolution theories, as well as human anatomy. Physical science studies include chemistry, while Earth science deals with space exploration. History students learn about the United States from its colonial beginnings to Reconstruction after the Civil War with an emphasis on the historical foundations and democratic principles on which it was established as put forward in the U.S. Consitution. Grades six through eight comprise our Upper Grades; these classes benefit from academic departmentalization among our Upper Grade staff.