We are extremely passionate about preparing our students to become adept and efficient 21st century learners. By the time our students complete our eighth grade, we have striven to equip them to become highly competent and extremely skillful in regards to integrating technology into their everyday learning.
To achieve this goal, we begin as early as Kindergarten to incorporate technology into classroom and individualized instruction. Classroom SMART Boards, Elmos, iPads, and computers provide avenues in which technology is readily accessible. Both a portable laptop and iPad cart allow teachers to provide individual devices to all students for whole group instruction and individual projects.

In addition, our Upper Grade students in grades 6, 7, and 8 utilize Chromebooks, which allows for a Google classroom environment in which students incorporate cloud based apps for individual and collaborative projects.
Our designated Computer teacher personalizes each grade level by teaching foundational curriculum and grade level expectations. She is a Google Certified Educator: Level 1, and is the school resource for implementing the G Suite with students, and to enhance teaching and learning.
Classroom teachers then expand and integrate curriculum goals into classroom instruction and meaningful classroom application.