
One of the most significant blessings of St. Matthew Lutheran School is your child's ability to grow in his/her relationship with the Lord Jesus. At St. Matthew, we believe that worship is a significant part of this process. Each day, our students have classroom opportunities to worship God; in addition, every week, our students also participate in corporate Chapel worship. We prioritize our Chapel worship experiences because this is a tremendous opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully among our students. During this time, children have the opportunity to worship our Heavenly Father through songs, prayer, Scripture readings, and a developmentally engaging message. 

Middle school students traveled to the ConRail Train Yard in Detroit to pack boxcars for Lutheran World Relief. They unloaded semis and trucks of donated goods from across the region and loaded them into boxcars to be delivered to those in need.

Our mission is to educate and make disciples who will go out into the world, share Jesus, and serve as His ambassadors. To effectively do this, we prioritize Biblical instruction and teaching as well as provide opportunities for faith to be put into action, as well as the Gospel message shared. We strongly believe that giving our young disciples opportunities to live out their faith and share the hope of the Gospel is important.

Our 8th grade students transported 400 lunches and 180 hats and gloves to the NOAH Project's Community Center for the homeless in Detroit. The students greeted and distributed lunches and beverages with kindness and compassion.

Our prayer is for the Lord to "give us His eyes" so we can have the ability to see areas where we can be the hands and feet of Jesus and complete acts of kindness. Sometimes, these activities may include the opportunity to witness the name of Jesus, but many times, service involves a more subtle approach to sharing God's love with others.

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