The Spinal Column - Thu, 12/07/2017 - 1:07pm
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St. Matthew Lutheran School in Walled Lake recently held their Lutherfest 500 Progressive Dinner, a celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
“The Progressive Dinner is a traditional event where students help in the preparation of a meal. Parents purchase tickets to attend and progress from classroom to classroom to sample the meal,” said Principal Susan Palka. “All ticket proceeds are given to a designated cause. This year’s theme was the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Since the Reformation occurred with Martin Luther in Germany, we served an Oktoberfest-type German meal.”
Two grades combined to make and serve part of the meal, which included bratwurst and frankfurters, spätzle, German potato salad, apple strudel and a black forest dessert.
Donations and grants covered the cost of the food, and proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to hurricane relief.
“The victims of the recent hurricane tragedies have been on our students’ hearts, so this activity was one way in which our students could help those in need,” Palka said. “Our eighth graders started the school year with a bake sale for hurricane victims that raised over $2,200. The Progressive Dinner raised an additional $888. As a result, our students have been able to send $3,088 to Lutheran World Disaster Relief. This agency will then distribute the funds appropriately to those who are in need as a result of these tragedies.”