The Avengers claim to be earth's mightiest heroes... but as Christians, we know that Jesus is the True Defender of the Universe, and as His followers, our job is to tell others about Him! This year, we are so excited to announce that the theme for this school year is "Let the Whole World See the Greatness of Our God!", based off of the popular song by the musical group, The Newsboys. Last spring, our current 7th grade worked with me in designing the logo. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harper for taking the student sketches and turning them into this awesome visual reminder that our responsibility as Christians is to actively "GO and TELL" others around the whole world about our awesome God!
This year, we look forward to finding age appropriate ways through which all of our students can actively live out their faith and share the good news of the Gospel with others.
Looking forward to an exciting "Aveng"-ture!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka and the Staff of St. Matthew Lutheran School