My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27
Once there was a man who woke up early to go ice fishing. After he dressed appropriately for the frigid temperatures, he headed out to the ice with his tent, his ice auger, his fishing rod, and a bucket. He located what appeared to be the perfect spot, but after just a few seconds of drilling the ice with the auger, he heard a big booming voice from above bellow these words, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE HERE!" He paused briefly and just assumed that he was hearing things, so he resumed drilling. Again, the big booming voice announced, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE HERE!"
The man looked around and decided to take the advice. So he moved his location about fifty feet. Again, he began to drill another hole in the ice, when the thunderous voice once again reappeared and stated, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE HERE EITHER!"
The man looked up and inquired, "God... is that you?"
The voice quickly responded, "NO, IT'S THE MANAGER OF THE ICE RINK!"
Do you find that sometimes it is difficult to hear and/or discern God's voice? As parents, it is frightening when we realize the abundance of harmful voices in our world and how frequently our children can be exposed to them.
At St. Matthew Lutheran School, we believe that Christ belongs in school and that children can learn at a very early age how to recognize and follow His voice.
Last Friday was our 2023/2024 All School Open House, where families had the opportunity to learn more about the Christ-centered education that we can offer. Families visited classrooms, and the evening will concluded in the gym with a very exciting family Science assembly, host by Mr. Doug Scheer from Scheer Genius.
If you were not able to join us for our Open House and would like information about St. Matthew Lutheran School, please call or visit our website at: stmatthewlutheranschool.com
God's Blessings,
Mrs. Palka