Walk 3.7 Miles in their Shoes!

"Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto Me." Matthew 25:40

Funniest comment from last week in the lunchroom... "Mrs. Palka, Guess what? I'm coming to the "Aggressive Dinner!"
The good news is that the only aggressiveness that will be present during this Friday night's Progressive Dinner is our passion to help children in need of clean water!
Listed below are a few details that will assist with the enjoyment of the evening:

  1. All families are asked to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that will allow them to walk 3.7 miles. Mr. Czinder has mapped out our course, and he has determined that each time around the St. Matthew property is a little over a ½ mile.
  2. Families can work together to obtain 3.7 miles or have each family member walk/run their own 3.7 miles. Younger children can use strollers, bikes, or wagons.
  3. When you complete your miles, our World Vision team members have a "thank you" gift for each member in your family.
  4. Food will be served outside in the back lot by the Hub doors. Our Fitness Feast will include: hot dogs, buttered noodles, yogurt, frozen bananas, and chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk.
  5. Food will be served from 5:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
  6. The back parking lot will be shut down, and no cars will be allowed in that area.
  7. Families are asked to bring their fold up camping chairs to set up in the back lot.
  8. Due to EEE concerns, families are asked to take precautions and use insect repellant.
  9. If the weather does not cooperate, the event will be held inside.
  10. All proceeds from this event will be given to our St. Matthew World Vision Team as they participate in the Detroit area World Vision Run in two weeks.

 As we strive to "Let the Whole World See the Greatness of Our God" this school year, it is our prayer that many children will see God's love through our efforts to help them obtain clean water.
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka
Talk About It At Home
1. What are ways God can use our family to help others?
2. Please pray as a family for the recipients of this clean water and that they will know God's incredible love for them.

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