“Whatever you do for the least of these, you’ve done unto Me.” Matthew 25:40
A few years ago, it was late at night and two days before the conclusion of the school year when I received the following text from one of our former students:
"We were just wondering if you would be available from the time between July 19 and July 25 to go on the mission trip with the high school youth?"
(First thought that ran through my head, "Eeeeep... isn't this the mission trip where they have to shower at the State Park?" I know, I know... not very spiritual eh?)
"We would be overjoyed if you would accompany us and Mr. Welte is hinting that you somehow owe him a favor?"
(Next thought that entered my head, "Hmmm, with everything that he does for me, this is probably a very true statement!")
Then the closing statement, which went straight to my heart. "We miss and love you; so please think about this. Without you, the girls will be unable to go and further the Lord's work in Ohio!"
The girl's plea tugged at Mrs. Jan Roth's heart as well. As a result, the two of us divided the week up with me chaperoning the girls at the beginning of this particular mission trip and her concluding it. With Mr. Welte's mad skills of organizing our two cars, a trailer packed with an abundant amount of tools, and thirteen passionate high school servants, our destination was the southeastern portion of Ohio. Little did I know that this adventure was about to become one of the highlights of my summer!
Immediately, I was already very close to nine of the thirteen students since they had attended St. Matthew Lutheran School, but it didn't take long to connect with the other four. The one common link between all of them was their love for people, but especially those who are in need. However, what I enjoyed the most was seeing how their faith and humble hearts had continued to blossom beyond grade school, and evolve into extremely passionate and missional Christ followers.
Each day, Mr. Welte would examine the "To Do" list that the local coordinator would provide and assign jobs accordingly. Often, our assistance was needed due to illness, limitations, or lack of income. Frequently, the job was overwhelming because the underlying circumstance had not been dealt with in a very long time. Consistently, our kids would arrive with compassionate hearts and determined spirits to make a difference, no matter how disgusting or intimidating the job requirements turned out to be.
Every situation that we visited had elements of heartache attached to them. However, there was one particular elderly couple from a previous mission trip that some students requested to stop by and check on. In doing so, we learned
that the husband was in hospice and coming home soon to spend his last days in his own house. When Mr. Welte asked what we could do to help, the wife Rose stated, "Well, it would be nice if the house could be painted before he gets here."
That small request ignited fervor and determination for one of the fastest "Extreme Home Make Overs" that I have ever witnessed! With everything going on in the woman's life in regard to taking care of her husband, there just was not time or energy to take care of a house, too. Her wish became a call to action as our thirteen missionaries worked diligently for two solid days and turned this house upside down! When it was all done, we were able to stand and pray with Rose and give God the glory for everything that just happened.
At St. Matthew, one of the main priorities of our school is to nurture and cultivate young disciples to become the hands and feet of Jesus. It is such a joy to watch the Holy Spirit transform these young lives and use them for Kingdom work!
On Monday, January 23rd, we have another opportunity for the Holy Spirit to use every Preschool 4 through Eighth grade student in a similar fashion to help children in need!
It is with great excitement that we can announce the official “Kick off” of our 2023 “Lutheran Schools Celebration Week” will begin by hosting a food packing event with “Kids Coalition Against Hunger”, a non-profit organization that is committed to feed hungry and starving children all around the world. KCAH is committed to feeding hungry and starving children in over 60 countries around the world. They make it extremely easy for volunteers to assemble nutritious food packets that only require boiling water to prepare.
Throughout our world, hunger and malnutrition are significant issues. Did you know that one in eight children around the world suffers from some type of malnutrition? Did you also know that volunteering for one hour to assemble food packets could help feed a hungry child for six months?
Working together with their designated Chapel buddy, each child will work a 45 minute shift to assemble food packets. However, we are in need of approx. ten parents to assist with set up, oversee, and clean up from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, January 23rd. If you are interested in helping, please check the newsletter for the sign up link.
Motivated by this year’s theme of “Love is Everything We Need”, we look forward to send hunger packing by sharing God’s love with those who are in need.
In Jesus’ Love,
Mrs. Palka