“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:5
We have a dear family friend who served as a fireman/paramedic and eventually was promoted to Assistant Chief of the West Bloomfield Fire Department. As a result of his profession, as well as his God given storytelling talents, he has the ability to tell some of the most amazing stories. Some of his stories are pretty comical and many have miraculous conclusions. However, there was one story that often comes to mind, especially when I am driving down Pontiac Trail.
The story occurred many years ago when our friend was serving as a paramedic. His squad was responding to a car accident that occurred on one of the winding parts of Pontiac Trail. A combination of treacherous road conditions and numerous curves in the road had caused a car to go off the pavement and flip over. When the squad arrived on the scene, their first sight was the bottom of the vehicle, and they were not even sure if the driver had survived. However, the driver, who was trapped upside-down inside the car, made a very profound statement once he was freed from the wreckage. He claimed that he felt helpless being trapped and not knowing the extent of the damage that had occurred. He also claimed that he had no idea if anyone had witnessed the accident or if help was even coming. However, as soon as he saw and recognized the approaching boots of the paramedics and firefighters, he felt relief because he knew that help had arrived. Once he saw the feet of his rescuers, he knew he was in very capable hands. Upon hearing the victim’s statement, our friend was reminded of the Scripture verse in Romans 10:15 which states, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
At St. Matthew Lutheran School, one of our top priorities is partnering with parents to cultivate and nurture children’s relationship with the Lord. In addition, we want to provide our students with opportunities to live out their faith by helping and serving others, and to be the “beautiful feet” of those who are sharing the good news of Jesus in the process.
As we conclude this National Lutheran Schools Week, we rejoice and glorify God for the “beautiful feet” moments that occurred throughout the week. We thank you for the tremendous support that was demonstrated during our 8th Grade DI fundraiser for St. Paul Pontiac and the 169 birthday gifts that were donated during this event. In addition, there were 184 sets of student feet that gathered in our gym this week to assemble 10,124 food packets for needy children. We learned that each food packet can feed 12 children, which means our students’ efforts will provide 121,488 meals!
We love others because He first loved us!
Praising God for our school, your support, and our students beautiful feet!
Mrs. Palka