Dancing Into a New Year!

"But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added onto you as well." Luke 18:30
As a mom of three children, I have received a great number of treasured gifts that my children have made and given to me over the years. I still have a 22 year-old ceramic tile jewelry box made by my son in first grade that sits on my dresser and continues to lose a few pieces of tile each year. I have an angel ornament on our tree that was made many years ago in Preschool by my daughter that still has a ton of glitter on its halo. I have a glazed piece of pottery on my night stand that has "I love you" carved in the bottom, and I also have a hand-drawn and framed picture that my daughter painted of the two of us where we both have our arms and legs coming out of our heads!
As my children grew older, the gifts became a little more unique...