Hey... Unto you is Born a Child!"

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." - James 1:17
There are some things that are just very exciting to announce! This list could include: losing a tooth, obtaining a driver's license, a graduation, a first job, an engagement, etc. But one of my favorite announcements is sharing that a new baby is coming!
A couple of months ago, I was over at my son and daughter-in-law's house playing with my granddaughter when my daughter-in-law handed me an envelope and said, "I forgot to give you Emilia's school pictures. Look through them because they are pretty cute!"
As I began flipping through them, I thought... "Oh that's a sweet one of her standing... Oh that's an adorable close up... That's a cute one with some stuffed animals.... Oh that's weird...why did she put her ultrasound picture in here???... Oh that's a cute one of her sitting...WAIT A MINUTE... Ultrasound picture? "WHOSE ULTRASOUND PHOTO IS THIS?" I asked....